Commodity Bodies

* denotes peak industry body

Australian Wine Industry

Date: 2003

The Australian wine industry has reviewed its position on gene technology in light of regulatory and scientific developments. The industry’s position remains unchanged: It is the Australian wine industry’s position that no genetically modified organisms be used in the production of Australian wine

The Australian wine industry produces some of the best wines in the world. It is a vibrant, efficient and forward-looking industry, with a strong interest in remaining at the forefront of a very competitive world market. Its success has been built through cooperation, determination and a focus on quality and efficiency.

Underpinning this success is a culture of innovation and a willingness to improve the way grapes are grown and wine is made. The industry will continue to explore new developments in all areas of science but will only apply these new practices commercially when there are clear consumer benefits and public acceptance of the practices.

As part of this endeavour, Australian scientists are using gene technology in research to advance knowledge of how both grapevines and microorganisms function. These efforts form part of an ongoing, long-term program of scientific research and are not unique to Australia, or to the wine industry. Research organisations in many countries are investigating the use of gene technology for potential application in the food industry, including grape and wine production.

The wine industry is monitoring progress in this research with interest. Whilst there are potentially great benefits in employing gene technology, the industry is also conscious of the need for safety, openness and quality assurance in any use of gene technology. At present, this work is at the research stage and is not being used commercially in Australia. It accords with the objectives of the Australian Gene Technology Act 2000, which are to protect the health and safety of people, and to protect the environment.

For further information: [email protected]

Cotton Australia

Date: 2006

The objective of the Cotton Australia policy on biotechnology – products of genetic engineering is an Australian cotton industry that utilises the most advanced technologies developed by scientifically sound methods that are accepted by the community and market.

Cotton Australia supports a flexible approach in the production methods available to cotton growers. Cotton Australia believes that members of the cotton industry should have the right to choose from a range of technologies and production management systems that will contribute to enhanced sustainability and lead to the minimisation of environmental impact. This may include the use of the products of genetic engineering, where it can be conclusively shown to enhance sustainable cotton production in appropriate cotton growing areas…

For more information:

The Australian Dairy Industry Council (ADIC)

Date: 2007

Positioning statement
Providing that outputs of GM technology have been thoroughly assessed on a case-by-case basis for human, animal and environmental safety under the national regulatory framework, and bring a demonstrated benefit to the community and/or dairy and/or other agricultural industries; the Australian dairy industry supports the use of GM technology.

This statement is made in the context of a set of policy principles.

Given the dairy industry’s position the ADIC believes there is no role for state government moratoria relating to the commercialisation of products utilising GM technology.

For further information:

Grains Research and Development Corporation (GRDC)

Date: 2004

Within the context of Australia’s legal and regulatory framework, the GRDC will invest in the development and use of gene technologies and genetically modified crops where this will provide substantial agronomic, environmental or economic benefits to its stakeholders.

To facilitate grower choice in the technologies incorporated into individual farming systems, the GRDC will also:

  • Contribute to industry efforts to maintain the coexistence of different production systems and supply chains
  • Facilitate informed decision-making regarding the use of gene technologies and genetically modified crops in Australian research programs and farming systems.

For further information:

* The Australian Lot Feeders Association

Date: 2008

The Australian Lot Feeders’ Association (ALFA) is the peak national body for the feedlot industry in Australia. ALFA actively advances and promotes the interests of the lot feeding industry; developing environmental and animal welfare standards, quality assurance & training programs and working to keep lot feeders abreast of emerging best management practices.

‘ALFA supports the production and use of Genetically Modified grain, and lot feeders having access to Non Genetically Modified grain if they so require’

For further information:

* Australian Chicken Meat Federation

Date: 2006

The Australian chicken meat industry endorses the findings of regulators and the broader scientific community that the use of genetically modified animal feed does not represent a safety concern for consumers.

However in recognition of the concerns of some consumers, Australia’s three largest chicken meat processors, representing over 85% of chicken meat production, have committed to using their best endeavours to source non-GM ingredients for their feed. Feed must meet quality standards, be available in substantial quantities and be economically sustainable.

For further information:

Australian Oilseeds Federation (AOF)


AOF supports the federal regulatory system for GM crops covering human health and environment.

AOF supports the development of a national coexistence framework.

AOF believes that a coexistence framework should be in place prior to the commercial release of GM canola.

For further information:
[email protected]

Pulse Australia


Pulse Australia supports research, development and use of biotechnology in Australian agriculture and will support the release of a GM pulse variety provided it has widespread industry support and market acceptance, with agreed industry standards to ensure product integrity.

For further information: