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The content of this web site is provided for information purposes only. While reasonable care is taken in its preparation, Agricultural Biotechnology Council of Australia Limited (ABCA) does not guarantee or warrant the accuracy, reliability, completeness or currency of the information on this site or its usefulness in achieving any purpose. Users of this site are responsible for assessing the relevance and accuracy of its content.

Agricultural Biotechnology Council of Australia Limited will not be liable for any loss, damage, cost or expense incurred or arising by reason of any person using or relying on the information on this site. Information accessed by references and hyperlinks to other sites external to this website may be incorrect, misleading or not verifiable. They are only provided to assist users and on the basis that users are responsible for assessing the accuracy, reliability, completeness or currency of information found. Agricultural Biotechnology Council of Australia Limited neither accepts any responsibility for the content of such material nor necessarily endorses any organisation or company linked to or from this site.


Agricultural Biotechnology Council of Australia Limited (ABCA) has sought to adhere to the Privacy Act 1988 and to the Guidelines for Federal and ACT Government World Wide Websites published by the Privacy Commissioner, and provides the following privacy statements.

Collecting Personal Information and Data
Personal information and data that in some way identifies you, the user, is collected during interactions with the ABCA website in the following circumstances:

1. Computer Information
When a user looks at the ABCA website, the server makes a record of your visit in a log. It is a necessary part of visiting any website that the user’s web browser provides the machine’s identity (its IP address) to the web server so that the server can address the reply to the correct machine. In addition, your browser provides the following type of information:

  • the user’s operating system;
  • the user’s server address;
  • the user’s top level domain name;
  • the date and time of the visit to the site;
  • the pages accessed and the documents downloaded;
  • the referring web site;
  • the type of browser used.

2. Navigation and ClickStream Data
Browsing any website generates a trail of pages visited and the time spent displaying each page, which is useful in the continual evaluation of the site. The ABCA service provider monitors the use of the pages you visit for statistical purposes and to help ABCA improve the website.

3. Email management and on-line forms
Agricultural Biotechnology Council of Australia Limited may also be informed of your email address and other personal details when you complete an on-line form on its website, or if you send us a message and require a response. We may record your email address and other details to be able to reply to you and resolve your enquiry. In collecting personal information, ABCA will ensure:

  • the collection will be by fair and lawful means;
  • information is collected with your consent;
  • the purpose for the collection will be clear and explicit;
  • the information will be used for lawful purposes;
  • you will be told if it is usual practice to pass on the information to another person, body or government agency;
  • we will not disclose your email address without your consent; and
  • your email address will not be added to a mailing list without your consent.

4. Cookies
Cookies are records kept of use of websites. They can be either session or persistent based. Session cookies are short-lived and used only during a browsing session and expire when you quit the browser. Persistent cookies are stored on your computer, contain an expiration date and may be used to track your browsing behaviour upon return to the issuing website. The ABCA website does not employ cookies and therefore does not keep a history of your activity on this site.

5. Use of Personal Information
Agricultural Biotechnology Council of Australia Limited will only use personal information you provide for the purpose for which it is provided e.g. mailing a requested publication to you. No attempt will be made to identify users or their browsing activities by ABCA, except in the unlikely event of a security or other investigation. In this situation we may need to inspect the logs or provide such inspection to a law enforcement agency or other government agency with legal authority to inspect the logs. Such authority may include a warrant, subpoena or notice to produce. Any inspection would not identify individual users. Security Please note that the Internet and the World Wide Web are not secure modes of communication. Wherever it is lawful and practical to do so, ABCA will give you the option to interact anonymously with us.