Council Members

Ag Institute of Australia
Ag Institute Australia is the trading name of The Australian Institute of Agricultural Science and Technology (AIAST).
Ag Institute Australia is the peak industry body for agricultural and natural resource management professionals. Ag Institute Australia is committed to advancing the profession, and the application of science and technology, for the sustainable development of agriculture and natural resource management in Australia. Ag Institute Australia members are engaged in a wide range of activities including research, education, government, agribusiness and private consulting.
The Institute sees its contract with the community as one that demands it maintains expertise and pays heed to the implications of its activities in relation to the wider environment in which the Australian people live.
To this end, the Institute is taking the lead in maintenance of professional standards, ethical responsibilities and the recognition in professional work of the broader environmental, social and industry context in which we work.
It is also taking the lead in promoting the importance of research and development in agri-industry, and in improved training of the agri-industry workforce to ensure a globally competitive Australian agri-industry.

Animal Medicines Australia
Animal Medicines Australia Pty Ltd (AMA) is the peak industry body representing the leaders of the animal health services industry in Australia.
Animal Medicines Australia member companies are the innovators, manufacturers, formulators and registrants of a broad range of veterinary medicine products that prevent, control and cure disease across the companion animal, livestock and equine sectors.

We bring together Australia’s leading experts in applied science, technology and engineering to provide impartial, practical and evidence-based advice on how to achieve sustainable solutions and advance prosperity.
Biotechnology position
We apply excellence in science, technology and engineering to solve the big issues facing our nation in a fast-changing world.

Biotechnology position
AusBiotech supports the development of agricultural biotechnology assessed on a case-by-case basis by federal regulatory agencies such as the Office of Gene Technology Regulator, Food Standards Australia and New Zealand (FSANZ), Australian Pesticides & Veterinary Medicines Authority (APVMA) and the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA). AusBiotech commends the role and work of these regulators who continues to provide a transparent and consistent federal gene technology regulatory system – which is science-based, and communicates with key stakeholders to ensure the Australian community is aware of its existence and role in maintaining human health and environmental safety of agricultural biotechnology.
AusBiotech believes all agricultural production systems should have an equal opportunity to contribute to the Australian food production system under free market conditions. Preference for one production system over another should not be the result of state government legislation that isn’t in harmony with the Inter-Governmental Agreement underpinning the Gene Technology Act 2000 that attempts to facilitate a nationally-consistent scheme for regulating agricultural biotechnology.

Australian Oilseeds Federation (AOF)
Biotechnology position
The AOF supports the commercial use of modern biotechnology within the confines of a rigorous regulatory framework. The AOF also supports the concept of market choice where all members of the supply chain are able to exercise their choice about the technology they use in the production and processing of food products.

Australian Seed Federation (ASF)
The ASF also represents its members internationally, as a member of the International Seed Federation (ISF) and the Asia Pacific Seed Association (APSA).
Biotechnology position
The ASF strives to deliver Leadership, Advocacy, Adaptation and Solutions on key issues including climate change adaptation, world food security, technological developments, trade, and the growth in productivity of Australian and international agriculture, through the delivery and supply of new and improved commodities and services to the market. The ASF supports free choice in relation to crop biotechnology provided that the choice is based on sound science and respects the rights of others to also choose.

Cotton Australia
Biotechnology position
Cotton Australia supports a flexible approach in the production methods available to cotton growers. Cotton Australia believes that members of the cotton industry should have the right to choose from a range of technologies and production management systems that will contribute to enhanced sustainability and lead to the minimisation of environmental impact. This may include the use of the products of genetic engineering, where it can be conclusively shown to enhance sustainable cotton production in appropriate cotton growing areas.
Cotton Australia recognises the need for the industry to be mindful of the social, economic and environmental management demands of the wider marketplace and that the industry will work to have appropriate responses and partnerships implemented in an effort to respond to such demands, provided that the proposed response is fully researched and complies with current legislation.
Cotton Australia recognises that the application of the precautionary principle[1] may cause some uses of biotechnology to be judged as inappropriate for economic, environmental or social reasons.
Cotton Australia will, when considering the benefits and risks of biotechnology:
- Actively seek both internal and external stakeholder advice on how to use biotechnology most effectively, ensuring that the technology can be properly used in an integrated, sustainable-management system and seek the help of these stakeholders in continuously updating policy development in this area;
- Support the use of biotechnology where there are demonstrated to be significant benefits for growers (e.g. production, reduced pesticide use), the environment, human health and the end user;
- Consult with internal and external stakeholders about appropriate research and ensure that the information and knowledge gained is made available to the public in an understandable and balanced way to fill the gap that presently exists in the understanding of such food, seed and fibre products;
- Work in close collaboration with the wider agricultural community, local communities, end users and environmental group stakeholders, to develop a set of measures to track the effectiveness of the application of this technology throughout the industry. Specifically, to take precautionary measures to prevent key impacts such as,
- Cross contamination of conventional, organic or native relatives of cotton;
- Weed, insect and technical resistance;
- Yield losses;
- Increases in overall pesticide usage;
- Loss of crop or product quality;
- Any other relevant issue as may arise; and,
- Actively promote the adoption of a wider (IPM) system throughout the industry, which may include this gene technology as a component, where it is demonstrated that it can be used sustainably and without negative environmental, public health or safety impacts.
Cotton Australia will actively encourage, support and participate in any efforts initiated by agricultural industries arising from a carefully considered social, economic and environmental approach, as outlined, to inform the wider community of the identified benefits/costs of using the products of biotechnology in agriculture.
[1] The Precautionary Principle as Interpreted by Cotton Australia and agreed by Genethics – Lack of full scientific certainty about the risks, hazards and costs of using genetically engineered organisms cannot be used as a pretext for failing to take measures or make decisions to protect public health and safety, and the environment.

CropLife Australia
Biotechnology position
CropLife Australia’s members represent 100 per cent of crop biotechnology products used by Australian farmers. GM crops have made significant contributions to improving agriculture’s environmental sustainability and profitability. Crop biotechnology has the potential to produce novel products from plants, improve their nutritional quality, increase productivity and adapt crops to environmental stresses resulting from a changing climate. It is a crucial tool to help farmers produce more food with fewer resources, to which all farmers should have access.

Dairy Australia
Dairy Australia is the national service body for the Australian dairy industry and is committed to building a profitable and sustainable future for the industry that they serve. There are a range of programs and opportunities Dairy Australia invest in across the supply chain that align with three strategic objectives - profitable dairy farms, capable people, and a trusted dairy industry.

Grain Growers
GrainGrowers is a voice for Australian grain farmers with grower members across the country. We work to build a more profitable and sustainable grains industry for the benefit of Australian grain farmers.
GrainGrowers achieve this by:
- Having a strong policies and submissions process which is underpinned by our National Policy Group
- Running education courses and events which help our people to thrive
- Developing and distributing a wide range of products and services which directly benefit the industry

Grain Producers Australia (GPA)
GPA and its members are committed to an Australian grains industry that is innovative, globally competitive and environmentally sustainable. As such GPA seeks evidence-based policy that protects and promotes Australian grain producers.
Biotechnology position
It is vital grain producers have the opportunity to take advantage of all crop varieties that have been developed using the many currently available plant-breeding methods.
Gene technology and associated plant breeding techniques have been crucial to the success of the Australian grain industry. Access to new varieties which offer the opportunity for higher production, better performing varieties, varieties that better fit into weed and pest control management plans, varieties that offer additional marketing or differentiation options have all been made available to Australian producers due to the success of plant breeding.
In some cases, the plant breeding techniques have been classified as falling under the banner of gene technology, in other cases they have not. GPA supports a national regulatory system which supports investment by providing clarity and, as far as possible, is consistent with international policy regarding the regulation of plant breeding techniques.
For Australian grain producers the core consideration is the end product/variety; this is therefore the basis of GPA policy. Regardless of the plant breeding technique used the merits of the varieties available should be assessed against clear, national science-based criteria, as regulated by the Office of the Gene Technology Regulator plus associated regulation by the APVMA and FSANZ.
GPA encourages commercial providers and regulators to develop, accredit and release genetically modified varieties for commercial production in Australia.
Current biotechnology has benefits for farmers, the environment and consumers. GPA supports the introduction of commercially available cultivars suitable to Australian conditions.
GPA supports grain producers having access to affordable choices of the latest research technology that is best suited to their production needs.
GPA encourages further education and provision of information to the general public regarding the uses of gene technology and novel plant breeding techniques.

Grain Trade Australia (GTA)
Biotechnology position
Grain Trade Australia (GTA):
- supports research utilising plant breeding innovation technologies that deliver enhanced outcomes for growers, consumers and the grain value chain
- supports the commercial release and trade of technologies in grain that have been approved and licensed for commercial release by the Office of Gene Technology Regulator (OGTR) and other relevant Federal, State and Territory regulators
- develops commercial resources (grain standards, contracts etc) to support the supply chain management and trade in approved grain derived from use of innovative technologies;
- is an industry advocate on trade and market access issues for the grains industry in domestic and international forums.

Grains Research and Development Corporation (GRDC)
The GRDC's research portfolio covers 25 leviable crops spanning temperate and tropical cereals, oilseeds and pulses, worth over $7 billion a year in farm production, alone. The GRDC is a statutory corporation, operating as a research investment body in partnership with growers and Government. Funding is provided through a levy on grain production, which is matched by Government funding, up to an agreed ceiling.
Biotechnology position
Within the context of Australia’s legal and regulatory framework, the GRDC will invest in the development and use of gene technologies and genetically modified (GM) crops where this will provide substantial agronomic, environmental or economic benefits to its stakeholders.
To facilitate grower choice in the technologies incorporated into individual farming systems, the GRDC will also:
- contribute to industry efforts to maintain the coexistence of different production systems and supply chains
- facilitate informed decision-making regarding the use of gene technologies and GM crops in Australian research programs and farming systems.

National Farmers Federation (NFF)
Biotechnology position
The NFF recognises the role that new technologies, such as biotechnology and genetically modified (GM) crops, have played in assisting Australian farmers to achieve efficiency and productivity gains. The NFF believes that Australian farmers should have the opportunity to adopt production methods best suited to their business needs - be that GM, conventional, organic or any combination of these methods - and that the production decisions of one farmer should not unreasonably impinge on the ability of another farmer to meet the requirements and expectations of their chosen market. We support research and development into biotechnology, and believe that consumers, like farmers, should have the right to choose what sort of products they use and consume.

Science & Technology Australia (STA)
Biotechnology position
In biotechnology, as in all areas of science and technology, we back evidence-based, scientific policy making and better informed public debate on critical scientific issues.