Globally recognised agriculture policy analyst to lead independent review of GM moratorium
Minister for Primary Industries and Regions SA, Tim Whetsone MP, Media Release– 14 September 2018
Experienced economist and agriculture policy analyst emeritus professor Kym Anderson AC has been appointed to undertake an independent review of the genetically modified food crops moratorium in South Australia. The state government is delivering on a pledge to commence a high-level independent review of the state’s GM moratorium within six months of forming government.
Minister for Primary Industries and Regional Development Tim Whetstone said the independent review will evaluate the benefits and costs to the South Australian economy and our agricultural industries of the GM moratorium.“The former Labor Government rushed through a six-year extension to the GM moratorium prior to the election without any consultation,” said Minister Whetstone.
“There was no attempt by Labor to assess whether the moratorium was good or bad for the economy or our grains and agricultural industries.